Friday, March 22, 2013

Reading a book

I have been reading(and watching) about Obama these days. This man has something in him. His story is intriguing and interesting. Young(activist-intellectual) Obama is more fascinating than the stoic man that he becomes when he is in the white house. We do get to see the flashes of his exuberant youth days when he is on the campaign trail with the sleeves of his shirt rolled up. His detractors love to dig deep into his past to find something with which to reinforce their claims that Obama is not a "Pure American" (don't ask red Indians what it means), that he is actually on a socialist mission(citation: see his mentors as well as healthcare and tax agenda) and has a soft corner for Muslims(citation: middle name 'Husein' ,Cairo speech, cold relationship with Netanyahu ) and he is there to preside over the demise of American 'exceptionalism' (citation: he reads the book "The post American world by Fareed Zakaria" ). The absurdity of such claims is axiomatic. Leaving such ridiculous claims aside and also a more reasonable critique of his policies at home and abroad which have been a disappointment for every naive observer who believed that somehow Obama would free himself from the imperatives of American establishment, I am more interested in reading and studying Obama's journey which led  him to be the unlikely president. His book "Dreams from my father" makes a good starting point. Hence, I am reading it....      

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