So it was my 27th birthday yesterday. I mark my birthday by writing a blog about it. I have been doing it since past few years so it has become kind of a tradition. Last year, my 27th, has easily been the liveliest and the busiest for me. It brought an end to the prolonged fossilization. It opened a window into a different world, accompanied by a welter of experiences. Yet, I am not going to write much about it. Do not feel like it. Yesterday, on my birthday that is, I finished reading a book by voltaire. It is his classic 'Candide'. Its message, moral, can be summed up in its character Martin's following lines:
"We must work without arguing. That is the only way to make life bearable."
These lines ring very true at this point in time in my life. Thus, on my 27th birthday, I adopt these lines as my motto and move forward.