Ever since I have taken to iphone, I have not been able to read any book. The last book I had read was almost a month ago and it was Beckett's famous play 'Waiting for Godot'. Iphone is a big distraction. True, it overwhelms one with a lot of information. The description of the world as a global village now seems a pre-iphone one. Today, the world is in one's pocket. Yet, there is a big flipside to it. In this flood of information, knowledge has gone missing. Knowledge is about connecting the dots. It is result of a slow, careful sifting of facts, perspectives, observations and experiences. In its absence, large trove of information made easily accessible to us by Wi-Fi connected smart phones is tantamount to the large collection of jig-saw puzzle pieces which refuse to come together to form a coherent picture. Of course, I am going to try and strike a balance. I am going to continue to make use of iphone to remain informed without allowing it to eat into too much of my time and hence prevent me from reading books.
P.S. Readying to go to Civil Services Academy for CTP. Preparations are under way, slowly but surely.